Jake is crooked with his posture. The CharleyWrap has made our son nice and straight! and more upright!!!!
I was actually crying this morning when he headed off to school...what a difference!!!! Even his taxi driver noticed how nice & straight he was.
I know it's very, very early days, (we got it on the 19th May), but to look like this first use - massive results for us!!! So thank you from all of us here, including family, as this has been an ongoing issue since October and they have been through all the goings on with us...
Last night when you instructed me on how to put the CharleyWrap on Jake he was upset, but that's normal for having something new, and Jake would have been thinking "what's this I have to wear, something else uncomfy"... but this morning after putting it on and he was in his chair, I asked him how it felt... he gave me his usual massive, lovely smile...
Today is Sunday the 23rd of May. Most Sunday's before Jake was as bad with his scoliosis we would go on our family Sunday drives. That stopped as he couldn't travel due to how he was getting. It has been a number of months now since we have been able to all go out as a family, but today we were able to do just that!!!!! Jake was fine the whole time, sitting up nice and straight in his chair and not sore.
Many thanks from Jake and all his family...