Clinton is a very brave 9 year old boy with Marfan Syndrome.
This syndrome caused Clinton to develop scoliosis. He was instructed to wear a TLSO brace to attempt to slow the rate of curvature of the spine and delay the need for surgery.
However, like many patients being treated for low truncal tone, he quickly discovered that the TLSO Brace was uncomfortable and embarrassing. He was so unhappy that he started avoiding wearing the brace at altogether, and thus risking a deterioration in his condition.
His parents, wanting to give their son the best possible support for his condition without compromising his quality of life, chanced upon the CharleyWrap.
After adapting the system to meet the needs of Clinton's special body, a brace was carefully made and trialled.
The results have been inspiring. Clinton can now take his brace on and off by himself; bend down; run; ride a bicycle; and do all the things a 9 year old should be able to do.
The discrete design means that he enjoys the psychological advantage of being treated like every other kid, while the support structure allows him to maintain a strong frame throughout the day without becoming fatigued.
CharleyWrap has truly changed Clinton's and his family's lives for the better.